Our offers

Offers / seminars Exclusivities & packages

Seminar Package


Prepare your meetings efficiently and take advantage of an ideal setting in the heart of the mountains to recharge your batteries.


Seminar Package


Privatization of the 4 chalets on the estate (minimum 2 nights)!
. Morning coffee break
. Finger food lunch in your chalet prepared by our chef
. A chalet available for your meeting (16 people maximum)
. Afternoon coffee break


Reservation on demand

Tel: +33 (0) 6 49 53 46 92

Email: contact@h-r-b.fr

Privatization of all the chalets starting from 6,000 euros per night.

Study day from 125 euros per person (minimum 10 people).

Goûtez aux étoiles le temps d’une nuit!


Enjoy, with your loved ones, colleagues, or even clients, the charm of the Hamlet and experience an extraordinary evening with an incredible view of the mountains illuminated by the night stars.


Goûtez aux étoiles le temps d’une nuit!


De manière inédite, le Hameau du Renard Blanc vous ouvre les portes de ses chalets pour des séjours étoilés d’une nuit… Profitez, avec vos proches, collègues ou même clients, de ce qui fait le charme du Hameau et vivez une soirée hors du commun avec une vue incroyable sur les montagnes éclairées par les astres nocturnes.
Sur l’une de nos grandes terrasses, vous démarrerez la soirée en douceur avec un apéritif concocté par notre Chef Barman et découvrirez, l’art de la création de cocktails. Puis un dîner, spécialement préparé pour vous par un chef privé, vous attendra toujours au grand air. Savoyard, gastronomique ou barbecue, vos envies gourmandes seront comblées… Vous terminerez cette soirée hors-normes en observant les étoiles dans l’un de nos Jacuzzi. N’hésitez pas à affiner les détails de votre soirée avec nos équipes.

Profitez de cette offre d’exception :
1 nuit dans un de nos chalets avec petit déjeuner continental offert, dîner et transfert en SUV aller/retour depuis Megève ou Saint-Gervais-les-Bains à un prix exceptionnel.

Rates, information & reservations: contact@h-r-b.fr06 49 53 46 92

L’abus d’alcool est dangereux pour la santé, à consommer avec modération.

Wellness Package


Looking for a wellness break? The Hameau du Renard Blanc has put together an invitation to relax.


Wellness Package


Looking for a wellness break? The Hameau du Renard Blanc has put together an invitation to relax.

Relax and enjoy a cocooning interlude. Everything is conducive to relaxation: private Jacuzzi with a view of Mont Blanc, Hammam and cinema room in each of our chalets.
Take advantage of our privileged access and conditions at the Thermes de Saint Gervais Montblanc and its soothing and regenerating thermal water.


Reservation on demand
Tel: +33 (0) 6 49 53 46 92
Email: contact@h-r-b.fr

Rental from 800 euros per night, 20% discount at the Saint Gervais thermal baths.

Cooking class


The strong winters have shaped the culinary cuture of the region. Local and generous cuisine is on the menu!
Create delicious dishes with products from the region and local farms.


Cooking class


The strong winters have shaped the culinary cuture of the region. Local and generous cuisine is on the menu!
Réalisez de délicieux petits plats avec des produits du terroir ainsi que des produits frais de la ferme avec notre Chef dans votre chalet.

. Cours de cuisine de 2h
. 1h de dégustation avec le chef


Reservation on demand

Tel: +33 (0) 6 49 53 46 92

Email: contact@h-r-b.fr

. Nuit à partir de 800 euros (2 nuits minimum)
. Cours de cuisine 3 heures 600 euros

Corporate retreat

In a natural and intimate setting, conducive to concentration and fostering moments of cohesion, Le Hameau du Renard Blanc is an ideal, timeless place for work and rejuvenation.

This unique location, perfect for a change of scenery, will enhance the success of your seminar and help you achieve your organizational goals. Our experienced team supports you in every detail to create a bespoke experience, perfectly orchestrated between work sessions, collective team-building activities, moments of relaxation, and culinary pleasures.

  • 18 suites spread across 4 chalets
  • Accommodates 18 individuals in single occupancy / 30 in double occupancy
  • 2 "conference" lounges, with a cozy atmosphere, fireplace, and mountain views, capacity of 26 people (including flipchart, projector and screen, high-speed internet, notepads...)
  • 4 "workshop" lounges spread throughout the chalets for informal and creative activities
  • Facilities: 4 Spas, 3 steam rooms, 2 Cinema rooms, 1 massage room, 1 gym, 4 electric vehicle charging stations
  • 1 hectare of private wooded park and 300 m² of terrace
  • Dedicated concierge service : breakfasts, snacks, coffee breaks, lunches, and dinners prepared by chefs highlighting local product ; discovery and team-building activities on the property or in the region

Private Events

To leave an indelible mark on your events, Le Hameau du Renard Blanc can be exclusively yours to host your family and friends in a preserved setting that evokes emotion.

Our experienced team supports you in every detail to create an event that reflects your vision. We will work with you to tailor a bespoke stay both indoors and outdoors on our enclosed and wooded estate.

  • Accommodates 36 people in double rooms (in addition 6 children's beds)
  • 4 chalets, 1,121 m²
  • 18 suites
  • 2 dining rooms, with a cozy atmosphere, fireplace, and mountain views, seating capacity for 24 people
  • Facilities: 4 Spas, 3 steam rooms, 2 Home Cinema rooms, 1 massage room, 1 gym, 4 electric vehicle charging stations
  • 1 hectare of private wooded park and 300 m² of terrace
  • Dedicated concierge service : breakfasts or brunches, snacks, lunches, and dinners prepared by chefs highlighting local products

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Our Chalets are getting a complete makeover for the coming winter ! This fall is a very exciting time for Le Hameau du Renard Blanc, we redesigned our 4 Chalets to offer an ever more tailored experience. Immerse yourself in the unique atmosphere of Le Hameau and discover our newly decorated areas! Home Gym, massage room, cinema room, cosy kids dormitory, private function … We thought about every detail to make your stay exceptional!

Rates, information & reservations: contact@h-r-b.fr – 06 49 53 46 92
